"Blockwork is now completed.
Reinforcing to blocks placed.
Inspection booked with DCC. Bookings are 3 - 4 days out at present.
Maybe Friday for inspection unless they have a booking cancellation to allow for an earlier time.
Once blocks and reinforcing is inspected, blocks can be filled, foundations backfilled and sub floor drainage placed.
Brent Allen will then prepare vapour barrier, insulation, mesh reinforcing and arrange for slab to be poured.
At this stage we hope to be ready for Saturday week for the frames to be placed."
So there is progress being made, but once again no work for volunteers to do on the new house this Saturday.
Some of us are going up there to set up the kitchen in the container, link up power, wastes and water to the toilet and container. If you are looking for something to do, feel free to come and assist. It is all preparation work for the start of our "real" working days when we get into building the house.... hopefully next weekend!