Sunday, July 19, 2009

Another good day...

We had over 20 people at the Habitat site on Saturday. We enjoyed meeting more of Mike and Christine's whanua and friends. We had a good day bolting down the frames to the concrete floor, putting strapping on and adjusting the frames. We now have a flush toilet with a hand basin on site and running water and an operating hot water heater in the kitchen container. We had Les Bell and Ray, two plumbers on site with us and Caleb came back to assist. Well done team, thanks for coming out on such a frosty morning. 


Top. (1) Flax "flower" made by one of the volunteers on site.

(2) Dave marking the trusses. (NOT sleeping)

(3) Martin showing Mike how to put the strapping on.

(4) One of the straps neatly done.

Friday, July 17, 2009

18th July...

Hi everyone. We are working on Saturday 18th July. We will be straightening the frames and sorting them out.

Come when you can, leave when you must. It's fun.

It is nearly 11p.m. Friday night and the roads are already frosty. Be careful.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Just read this....

In the ECPAT newsletter (End Child Ponography and Trafficking) I read this Indian proverb that is very much in line with Jesus' thinking.

"I dreamt and saw the world was joy,

I awoke and saw the world was service,

I acted and saw that
service was joy."

Great stuff that rings true with me at those times when I do seek to serve.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Frames are up! It looks more like a house!

On Saturday about 14 people turned up during the day. Some were there all day, others came and went at different times. Caleb, a very patient carpenter led our work day, and helped us put the frames up. It was exciting, after weeks of just getting ready for a build, now we were actually building and there was a house frame up. We can see where the bedrooms are, the lounge and kitchen. There was a lot of laughter and banter as the frames were moved into place. WE ARE DEFINITELY BUILDING NOW! You will see the excitement as a house takes shape. 

Our thanks to all who came on Saturday! Every bit of work helps to build the house. Your presence and interest encourages others. Your laughter and sharing helps make the day bright. A special thanks to Caleb, who with Martin led us so well.


Top to bottom.

1. The first nail joining the frames together. (Martin would not let David do it!)

2. Moving an early frame. Caleb our expert is in the blue top. He was so good and so patient with us.

3. Three of the girls on site on Saturday. They worked like Trojans.

4. The finished frames at the end of the day.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Saturday 11th...the frames will stand up!

Hi all you amazing Habitat Helpers

YES!!!!!! The floor is down and the frames have arrived so tomorrow, Saturday 11th it will be all go.

126 Ashmore Street Halfway Bush. We start at 9am. Come when you can, leave when you are must. Come and enjoy the atmospher, even if it is only part of the day.

From now on we will have work every Saturday... unless of course it snows, rains excessively or it is too dangerous. Thanks for your patience to this point but now the real work can begin.

If the weather is doubtful phone Dave's work phone; 4774848 and information will be left on there.

See you there.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Photos of progress...

Here are some photos of what builders and plumbers have been doing up at Ashmore Street to get ready to pour the floor slab in the next day or so. Soon the frames will go up.