Sunday, July 19, 2009

Another good day...

We had over 20 people at the Habitat site on Saturday. We enjoyed meeting more of Mike and Christine's whanua and friends. We had a good day bolting down the frames to the concrete floor, putting strapping on and adjusting the frames. We now have a flush toilet with a hand basin on site and running water and an operating hot water heater in the kitchen container. We had Les Bell and Ray, two plumbers on site with us and Caleb came back to assist. Well done team, thanks for coming out on such a frosty morning. 


Top. (1) Flax "flower" made by one of the volunteers on site.

(2) Dave marking the trusses. (NOT sleeping)

(3) Martin showing Mike how to put the strapping on.

(4) One of the straps neatly done.