All told there were 15 people who worked up at the Habitat site on Saturday. It was a very nice winters day and some great preparation work was completed. We resurrected Dave's throne room. Now if it blows down the next door neighbours fence will have to come with it! David (Rogo) and Kyle (It means "Dark and Handsome".) constructed a fancy out door wash tub and bench. A temporary drain ditch was dug, pipes put in place and the container was cleaned up, rubbish taken away and equipment sorted. Some of us also went across to Shona's place and concreted two gate posts in place. A great day's effort alongside Mike and Christine and some of the girls. It was good to get to know each other better. And one other thing, the rugby team Mike coaches won their game... better than the All Blacks!
Top: David and Kyle fill in the drain.
Second: The resurrected toilet with attached tub and bench.
Third: Mike and two daughters work on a fence.
Fourth: The sorted container... "Never been that tidy!" Some one said.