Friday, June 12, 2009

Dave's throne room blew over!

Weekend weather lately has been frustrating! Last Saturday was a no-go day up at the Ashmore Street site, wet, windy and cold. The footings have been prepared but because of sickness and the weather the block layer hasn't been. Ken Foote has been arranging for the power to go on. ...But the wind blew the toilet over even though it was staked to the ground!!

Tomorrow we want to resurrect the toilet! (Well we need it!) We will continue with sorting out the container and sorting out the tools and equipment stored there. Some of us will make an attempt to go to Shona's house and do a fence there.

As always ring 4774848 to check the answer phone to see if it is on.

See you there. I am talking to an Anglican Men's breakfast so will be a tad late, but hopefully with some volunteers.