Sunday, November 8, 2009

All the Gib up!

On Saturday we finished putting all the gib on the walls and Mike was well underway with the stopping. We cut the hedge, two loads of rubbish and a big load of pallets were taken away. Christine fixed a hole in the fence, the temporary drain was opened up and water to the kitchen container disconnected so that the container could be moved. Some skirting board was installed. Derek worked on the bathroom walls to straighten them up to fit the bath, and Ray removed concrete for the bath waste. 

It felt like we have turned the corner toward the home straight. The new Dunedin Habitat Chairman, Colin McLeod, came to make sure we were all working. During this week ditches for the drains will be dug, some earth moving will happen and Mike is taking a day off to do gib-stopping. 

Thanks to all who were there this week. There is a determined group who want to make sure the house is well occupied by Christmas. We will do it! 


  1. Derek does the ceiling in a bathroom.
  2. Excess gib-board gets loaded to go away... I knew 182 sheets were too many!
  3. Colin McLeod and Christine wreck an old fence.
  4. The pallets get taken back on Paul's very handy truck.